Artiza Networks, Imc.



Fronthaul Monitor

Fronthaul Monitor
Accelerate O-RU debugging with fronthaul packet capture and analysis

As technology has advanced, the transformation of radio units from simple signal converters to intricate processing devices has revolutionized interconnectivity and flexible network configurations. However, for RF developers, this evolution poses challenges. The integration of complex network processing makes it difficult for developers to test the radio characteristics of their devices.

This has been a persistent issue, and intentionally reproducing failures has proven challenging. Even when the conditions leading to a failure are known, detecting subtle anomalies within the vast amount of processed data is extremely complex. Packet capture, while possible, does not simplify the analysis of the fronthaul IQ signal. This complexity arises because data is split, compressed into packets, and transmitted in close coordination with the C-Plane and M-Plane.

Enter FH MONITOR – the ultimate solution to address these challenges and streamline O-RU debugging.

Supports extended duration FH packet capture

Capture front-haul packets for longer periods to gather evidence for every test. FH Monitor captures even unexpected issues comprehensively, sparing users the effort of reproducing glitches.

Fronthaul Packet Analysis and Anomaly Detection

FH Monitor empowers users to effortlessly detect and analyze anomalies in the open fronthaul. Detecting anomalies can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack, relying on visual inspection or self-made scripts. With FH Monitor, users are free to remove such tedious tasks from their workflow. This comprehensive solution, housed on a single server, eliminates the need to shuttle massive capture files back and forth with peripheral systems.


Vendors have traditionally tested end-to-end performance using proprietary internal testing procedures, combining their own subsystems. This approach has minimized challenges related to performance and interoperability.
The introduction of O-RAN has the benefit of bringing an influx of new vendors, optimized time to market, best-of-breed solution finding, and reduced supply chain risk. However, the O-RAN transformation has added unique new complexities to testing these new network environments.

O-RAN testing faces three critical challenges:

1. Escalating network complexity
The advent of O-RAN has driven increased network complexity, making interoperability testing and debugging a more significant process than ever before.

2. Multi-vendor interoperability
Testing the interoperability of components and interfaces from different vendors is becoming non-negotiable to ensure time-to-market and market acceptance.

3. Strategic approach to testing
Network troubleshooting and problem-solving pose challenges, underscoring the importance of testing strategies and the development of effective debugging tools.

As network complexity increases and the industry transitions towards multi-vendor environments, addressing challenges requires a strategic approach. The best solution uses a three-step testing process, where each step plays a crucial role in the overall process.

Conformance Testing

Evaluates individual nodes to obtain functional assurance

Interoperability Testing

Take two adjacent nodes and test their intricately connected interfaces to verify their interoperability

End-to-End Testing

Verify the functionality and availability of the entire network, including load testing

Product image
Configuration 1U
Number of ports 10 GbE x 4 ports
25 GbE x 2 ports
40 GbE x 2 ports (option)
100 GbE x 2 ports (option)
Capture interface 10G Base-SR/LR
25G Base-SR/LR
40G Base-SR4/LR4
100G Base-SR4/LR4
Capture performance 50 Gbps
Capture packet 64 byte - 9600 byte
Capture resolution 1 ns
Effective storage capacity 60 TB
RAID configuration RAID 5
OS Linux
Power consumption 550 W
437 x 43 x 597 (mm)
17.2 x 1.7 x 23.5 (in.)
Weight 15 kg
33.1 lbs

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