Artiza Networks, Imc.



Procurement Policy

CSR Procurement Policy

Artiza Networks promotes CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiatives. We encourage our partners throughout the supply chain to engage in CSR activities and cooperate with us in driving progress and development of our globalized society.

  1. Basic Policy on Procurement Always keeping in mind the goal stated in our company’s management philosophy to "pursue the growth and happiness of all our employees, while at the same time contributing to the progress and development of our customers and society,” we base our procurement operations on a fair and non-discriminatory selection of suppliers.
  2. Supply Chain Management In order to carry out fair and transparent transactions with our suppliers, we work together with them to implement fair business activities in accordance with our basic policy on procurement.
  3. Promoting CSR in the Supply Chain To fulfill our social responsibilities in areas such as human rights, labor, and environmental protection, we work together with our suppliers to promote CSR initiatives.

Responsible Mineral Procurement Policy

Artiza Networks is committed to avoiding and mitigating risks by examining our supply chain to ensure that it is not complicit in human rights abuses and conflicts, such as child labor and forced labor by militant groups in conflict and high-risk areas. In particular, we will engage in responsible procurement operations to avoid procurement of parts and materials containing conflict minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold). Specifically, we will conduct supply chain investigations, such as identifying the country of origin of minerals and smelters, using the internationally recognized Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) for our procurement partners, and at the same time, we will conduct RMAP (Responsible Minerals Assurance Process) investigations for our suppliers. Additionally, we will request procurement from RMAP (Responsible Minerals Assurance Process) compliant smelters.

Green Procurement Policy

As part of our corporate ethics policy regarding environmental protection, Artiza Networks promotes the reduction of environmental impact in the procurement of our products.
To this end, we will conduct environmentally conscious procurement operations in accordance with the following policy.

  1. Selection of environmentally friendly products Our basic policy is to prioritize environmentally friendly products during the selection, purchasing, and operation stages of procurement.
  2. Evaluation of Environmental Management System (EMS) We will give priority to suppliers that have implemented appropriate environmental management and are making efforts to protect the environment via their environmental management systems.
  3. Procurement Policy and Waste Reduction When procuring materials and products, we will conduct procurement operations aimed at reducing both environmental impact and waste, based on the section of our corporate philosophy which states we should "procure only what we need when we need it.”

Based on this policy, we will strive to protect the global environment by promoting procurement of environmentally friendly products and reduce our environmental impact.